Gemalto collaborates with RioCard for contactless transport ticketing at the Olympics


International digital security provider Gemalto has collaborated with Rio de Janeiro’s public transportation ticketing operator RioCard to implement contactless transport ticket wristbands in Brazil’s second largest city. The application of this contactless payment solution will make it easier for users to make secure payments, and will benefit them in various modes of transportation such as, bus, ferry, subway and train.

Gemalto will provide RioCard with its waterproof...

By Wearable Tech, 08 August 2016, 0 comments. Categories: Brands, Clothing & Textiles, Mobile Wallet, Payments.

Apple tops wearable charts whilst fitness wearables prove most popular use case


It has the kind of brand power other companies envy - and now Apple has topped the charts to be voted the “coolest wearables brand” even for those consumers who say they are dedicated to Android.

The conclusion is from a survey of 2000 smartphone users in the US and the UK about their use and attitudes towards wearable technology by Juniper Research. The study ranks Apple top, followed by Samsung and Google respectively. It showed that the market is moving to a brand duopoly...

By Liz Morrell, 26 October 2015, 0 comments. Categories: Brands, Devices, Smartwatches.

Two in three users will make a purchase on a wearable device: Analysing the strategic play


Marketers and retailers beware: advertising and m-commerce on wearable devices is on its way, and consumers are looking to embrace this next step.

According to survey data from e-commerce provider Avangate released earlier this week, 64% of the 1000 consumers questioned said they were willing to make a purchase on a wearable device. Take into account the figures...

By James Bourne, 26 June 2015, 0 comments. Categories: Brands, Mobile Wallet, Payments, Smartwatches.

Lufthansa flies onto Apple Watch as it becomes latest brand to launch app


As brands flock to announce Apple Watch specific apps Lufthansa has become the latest company to reveal its launch on the platform.

For those fliers for whom accessing a traditional boarding pass or getting their smartphone out of their bag is too much like hard work their boarding cards and essential flight information can now be displayed on their wrists instead. The Apple Watch specific app connects to the conventional Lufthansa app on iPhones and iPads via Bluetooth allowing...

By Liz Morrell, 13 May 2015, 0 comments. Categories: Brands, iOS, Smartwatches.

Ready or not, adverts on smartwatches will be coming to a wearable soon


Juniper Research forecasts that wearable advertising spend will reach $68.7 million (£46.5m) in 2018, a huge leap from $1.5m (£1.02m) by the end of this year – and the growth of the Apple Watch will fuel this step up.

It’s a concept which has had marketers licking their lips in anticipation for months – another screen on which to display ads and sell dollars. Many have laid out their ideas for how this shift will take place; Jeff Lawson, CEO of cloud communications provider Twilio,

By James Bourne, 14 April 2015, 0 comments. Categories: Brands, Contextual Data, Data & Analytics, Smartwatches.

Consumer awareness of wearable tech far outstrips product knowledge, survey reveals


A survey from experiential agency Fizz Experience has found while almost half of UK respondents were aware of the Apple Watch, only one in five had adequate knowledge of the product.

The research, which was conducted before the (second) unveiling of the Apple Watch, found almost half of Britons were willing to spend up to £111 on wearable tech. This...

By James Bourne, 13 March 2015, 0 comments. Categories: Brands, Devices, Smartwatches.

Five things brands must do to prevent wearables becoming an unquantifiable nightmare


Wearable tech and the quantified self clearly provides a huge opportunity for the hardware vendors and digital brands involved; giving them greater insight into the lives, behaviours and tastes of consumers than ever before. But as we learnt in Spiderman, "with great power comes great responsibility" - although a responsibility that I feel many organisations are not taking seriously enough.

Google is currently in the British high court accused of bypassing security settings...

By Gawain Morrison, 06 February 2015, 0 comments. Categories: Brands, Ecosystems, Health Monitoring, Health & Wellness.

Why wearables need to find their niche in retail rather than tech stores

Picture credit: iStockPhoto

A wearable technology panel at the Apps World Europe event last week concluded that wearables are currently missing the market by being sold in technology stores rather than in general retail.

It's an interesting argument. Technology is already pervasive in certain items of clothing, such as running shoes, and we'd buy them without a second glance. But is this going to be the future for wearables?

Krispin Lawrence is co-founder and CEO at wearable firm Ducere Technologies....

By James Bourne, 17 November 2014, 0 comments. Categories: Brands, Fashion.

Examining marketing strategies in a wearable era

Picture credit: iStockPhoto

Wearable tech is about to change the industry of marketing. Marketing is normally done through a clearly and well-developed campaign in order to promote a certain image of a product. Wearable technology means that these types of marketing campaigns are going to have to change.

Marketers need to be able adapt quickly and be flexible in their market to appeal to customers. Wearable tech opens up a new realm for marketers to use in order to keep in touch with consumers.

By Strap, 29 October 2014, 0 comments. Categories: Brands, Opinion.

Wearables: Changing the game of sports and entertainment

Picture credit: Steven Depolo/Flickr

Guest post - by Tom Emrich

Wearable technology is changing every facet of our lives including how we make and experience sports and entertainment. Professional athletes are using wearables to better their performance, devices like Google Glass are giving fans a whole new perspective of the game and technology like virtual reality, sensors and haptics are redefining movies and music. Adidas is working with professional teams like the

By Strap, 13 October 2014, 0 comments. Categories: Brands, Fitness.

Why brands need to pay attention to wearables

With over 10 million wearable devices sold in 2014 alone – should brands start paying more attention to the wearables space?

Based on a recent Forrester report – 25% of American Adults plan on buying a wearable within the next year. If Forrester’s data holds true that would be an estimated 79 Million+ wearables sold within the next year. To put this in perspective only 64 million Smartphones were...

By Strap, 22 September 2014, 0 comments. Categories: Brands.

Top 5 most interesting Reddit wearable tech posts

My cake day is coming up and in pre-celebration I would love to share what I find particularly interesting on reddit, regarding wearables of course. And so after digging through all the memes, gifs, ELI5′s, and other wonderful surprises I discovered, I have compiled a list of five reddit wearable tech posts found in various subreddits that caught my eye.

1. Minuum AMA

Featured in our previous blog about wearables in the...

By Strap, 15 September 2014, 0 comments. Categories: Brands, Fashion.

Is the future bright for e-commerce with wearable tech?

With wearables emerging as the top trend at CES 2014 and Google Glass being voted this year’s most innovative product in digital retail, it is hard to imagine that not so long ago, you may have been laughed at if you talked about technology devices that you could wear on your body.

While fitness devices make up the vast majority of the market at the moment. Devices are moving from niche applications and early adopters into much more mainstream products. Google Glass which was available only to a limited...

By Philip Rooke, 18 August 2014, 0 comments. Categories: Brands, Devices, Eyewear, Mobile Wallet, Opinion.