Cortus unveils new low power 32-bit processor core for IoT and wearable devices

Picture credit: IBM/YouTube

There are two main challenges with developing for wearable devices; creating a seamless user experience, and getting enough processing power to enable the seamless user experience you’ve created.

Cortus, a French company which creates low-power IP cores, has announced the first in a new family of products based on its v2 instruction set, specifically targeting sensors, wearables, and other Internet of Things (IoT) applications.

The first release is the APS23, which has a...

By James Bourne, 07 October 2014, 0 comments. Categories: Bluetooth, Developers, IoT.

Why a new approach to software licensing is essential in the Internet of Things

By Jeff Kaplan, managing director, THINKstrategies

The hottest topic in the tech industry is the ‘Internet of Things’ (IoT) – the idea that nearly every object and device will be connected via high speed networks in the not too distant future. These connected things will produce valuable information which will enable companies to better understand how their products and services are being used so they can better serve their customers, and be in a better position to gain a competitive...

By SafeNet, 01 September 2014, 0 comments. Categories: IoT, Opinion.

HP report highlights security vulnerabilities in IoT-enabled devices

Research from HP of 10 Internet of Things (IoT)-enabled devices has found on average 25 security flaws per unit, including denial of service and Heartbleed.

The research, alongside Symantec’s study of wearable devices last week, pours cold water on widespread usage of wearables in the enterprise markets.

“A couple of security concerns on a single device such as a mobile phone...

By James Bourne, 11 August 2014, 0 comments. Categories: IoT, Research, Workplace.