Misfit and Swarovski team up to push wearables further into fashion

Picture credit: Swarovski/YouTube
Misfit Wearables has launched two Swarovski Shine wearables at the Consumer Electronics Show in a partnership with the jewellery brand.
The wearables are available in a crystal and violet face, with the latter utilising a unique “energy crystal” technology which enables charging through exposure to light. Lest this innovation goes the way of the sundial, Misfit writes: “This is the world’s first wireless activity and sleep monitor that utilises an energy harvesting technology to enable it to never require charging or replacing of batteries.”
According to Forbes, the crystal can be used similarly to a regular fitness tracker, keeping count of a user’s steps, measuring calorie intake and analyse sleeping patterns. The wearables are also waterproof to add durability.
Misfit’s previous releases under the Shine banner were fitness trackers that could be worn anywhere on the body, allowing users to take out the battery powering the device.
The partnership with Swarovski, as pundits have commented, has added a certain amount of “glam” to the CES event. Whether it’s aesthetically pleasing enough to topple Cuff, which won an award for the most beautiful wearable of 2014 in New York, is another matter entirely.
The wearables will be sold in three sets with accessories, pricing at $169.99 to $249.99, and are available for US pre-order on the Misfit website, which you can find here.
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